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Check out these Kickboxing & Extreme Taekwondo Techniques

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Martial art offers lesson in overcoming obstacles

Martial arts is steeped in tradition and skills that have been passed down for generations. When you think about martial arts, your thoughts may focus on self-defense techniques — but could there be much more to it? Let’s find out.Earlier this month, I suited up and went over several elements of martial arts training, including self-defense techniques and confidence-building exercises involving using my hand to break a board in half.My guide was Shannon Albracht, 44, who holds a sixth-degree black belt in taekwondo, a Korean-based martial art, and owns Traditional Martial Arts Academy in Tracy. Albracht has 34 years of martial arts training and has competed in several tournaments all over the country. Taekwondo students wear a traditional uniform called a “gi.” This is worn in both practice and competition. 

The pants have a drawstring tie closure, and the top fits like a cloth jacket that folds and overlaps in front. A thick cloth belt is worn around the lower waist, with a knot tied in front. Belts vary in color to show skill level. White stands for the beginner level, and colors graduate up to black for advanced.“Everything we do is like a metaphor for the challenges you’re going to face in life,” Albracht told me. “There are days when you’re bumped or bruised and days when someone gets the best of you — that’s life. We can’t quit because of that. We have to push through. There are many skills that can be learned through martial arts. Through different exercises, you learn to never give up and strive to be better. It also builds confidence through the training and achievement of reaching the goals you have set. 

“Many people see martial arts as self defense, but in reality, it’s so much more.” CONTINUE ARTICLE BELOW

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